LIC's Awesome Policy: Invest ₹55 for ₹50,000 Yearly Returns!

LIC's Awesome Policy: Invest ₹55 for ₹50,000 Yearly Returns!

Planning to invest in an LIC plan? LIC's Jeevan Umang plan is currently very popular. It offers investors a decent return without any risk and benefits at maturity.

Introduction to LIC Jeevan Umang Plan

Introduction to LIC Jeevan Umang Plan

LIC Jeevan Umang policy is a non-linked, participating, life insurance policy. Not only does it provide income, but it also ensures your family's safety.

Quick Overview of LIC Jeevan Umang Policy

Quick Overview of LIC Jeevan Umang Policy

Once premium payment ends with this policy, you'll get benefits until maturity. Plus, LIC will make certain payouts at maturity or death.

Key Features of the Policy

Key Features of the Policy

If a person buys LIC's Jeevan Umang policy with a sum assured of ₹6 lakhs at the age of 25 for 30 years, they will have to pay a monthly premium of ₹1638, amounting to approximately ₹54.6 per day.

Invest Just ₹55 for Great Benefits

After the end of the premium payment term at the age of 55, the policyholder will receive ₹48,000 annually until maturity.

Yearly Returns After Premium Payment Term

At maturity, the sum assured and bonus amounting to ₹28 lakhs will be given to the policyholder. The scheme matures at the age of 100, meaning you will receive maturity benefits even at the age of 100.

Benefits at Maturity

Benefits at Maturity

This scheme also includes a death benefit. If the policyholder dies during the policy term, the nominee will receive the sum assured along with the reversionary bonus and final additional bonus.

Understanding the Death Benefit

The death benefit can never be less than 105% of all premiums paid by the policyholder. This premium does not include taxes.

Death Benefit Guarantee

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